JULYASIA BUSINESS OUTLOOK19A MAJORITY OF BUSINESS IN THE SOUTH-EAST ASIA REGION ARE NOW EMBRACING MODERN DAY TECHNOLOGIES TO BE A PART OF TODAY'S DIGITAL ECOSYSTEM AND STAY AHEAD OF THEIR COMPETITIONWhat are some of the key aspects every brand must keep in mind for their marketing efforts to be successful? Understanding your customers and current market trends by leveraging data is key in this regard. For example, in most South-East Asian markets, around 80-90 percent of the revenue comes from the organized sector. With the help of analytics and efficient tracking tools, we are able to capture that information and understand various customer-related aspects. Thus, I personally believe that any decision that you make must be based of hard data so that every single dollar that you spend is streamlined into the right channel and towards the right user. As a business owner, this has allowed to make very educated decisions in terms of our money spending, managing projects & campaigns and measuring the outcomes of those campaigns. How can businesses integrate new technologies into their existing marketing workflows to simplify marketing activities?We are fortunate to be living in this `golden age' of marketing, wherein we now have access to some wonderful tools to measure and track the performance of our app or website. These being offered as standalone services is one of the biggest that we can enjoy today because even small business are able to buy them, plug them into your app/website backend and immediately start reaping the variety of benefits that these tools offer. Also, modern day technologies have made the world a very small place, wherein any business operating in any region of the world is now able to use tools developed in even the farthest places and optimize its marketing functions. Data analytics is one technology that is simplifying the marketing efforts by enabling business to have a clear understanding of the product they are selling and the impact it will have on the consumers. Any organization that is open to leverage data in an effective way to understand the pulse of the market is sure to achieve enhanced optimization of their marketing campaign and taste success.Should South-East Asian businesses have to consider participating in digital ecosystems to promote sustainable growth if they want to build effective digital ecosystems in the region?Across most of the South-East Asian markets that we operate in, a majority of people do not own a credit card. The answer to how this segment of the population can become active members of the digital community, lies in digital e-wallets that can be downloaded easily and be used to make transactions. Also, this region comprises of a massive number of younger aged population who are very tech-savvy and the adoption of technology is one of the fastest in the world. As a result, a majority of business in the South-East Asia region are now embracing modern day technologies to be a part of today's digital ecosystem and stay ahead of their competition.
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