JULYASIA BUSINESS OUTLOOK7INDUSTRY EXPERTSElevating Excellence: Strategic Advancements, Cultural Cohesion & Global Leadership In India's GCCsHow Finance Organizations Deal with Ai/Digital Transformation Challenges 122326Shahzad Mahmood, Chief Financial Officer, Head of Group Treasury, IBEXAvinash Samrit, President - Global Capability Center, Clean HarborsFinancial Aspects Every Hospitality Business Leader must be Aware Of 30Norbert Bonnet, UAE Director of Finance ­ Daylife & Dining, Sunset Hospitality GroupFINAL COMMENTMOST PROMISINGBUSINESS LEADERSFROM ARMENIA - 202422 RIMA KHACHATRYAN28 SHUSHAN HARUTYUNYANIMPRESSIONSAgile Leadership: Key to Thriving in Dynamic Business Environment10Towards Sustainable Digital Transformation: Balancing Innovation, Ethics, & ComplianceReynaldo Lugtu, Founder & CEO, Hungry Workhorse
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