DECEMBERASIA BUSINESS OUTLOOK7INDUSTRY EXPERTSNavigating Challenges and Crafting Solutions in Optical Fiber Network DeploymentAddressing the Skills Gap: Upskilling and Reskilling for the Workplace in AsiaWhy Cloud-Native Approach is the Future of Information Management122618Amir Shaikh, Managing Director, CybernetFabi Carino, Director- HR, MedriskStephen McNulty,SVP - Asia Pacific, OpenTextWhat Kind of Exposure does Leadership Role Demand?30John Kallelil, Founder & CEO, XEDFINAL COMMENT24 CHRISTINE YIP MOST PROMISINGBUSINESS LEADERS FROMHONG KONG - 2024Empowering Logisticswith Scalable, Adaptable, & Data-Driven Solutions COVERSTORY14
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