JULYASIA BUSINESS OUTLOOK19Liberte HR ServicesSingaporelibertehr.comJane ChanDirectorProvide a one-stop HR service solution for clients, offering services including recruitment, executive search, talent acquisition, assessment , coaching & facilitation, training, and consultingLightway HR ConsultancySingaporelightwayhr.comAnne OngPrincipal ConsultantOffer specialised range of HR consultancy services, including WICA, employee engagement, HR Projects, work pass services, recruitment, and HRBPO and government claims managementOneLink HR ConsultancySingaporeonelinkhr.comTay Yeow LingPrincipal ConsultantProvide HR consultancy and placement services for valued clients and job seeker, catering to diverse industries such as education, information technology, engineering and other industriesSG HR ServicesSingaporesghrsvc.com.sgAlvin TanOwnerA solid group of HR consultants whose forte lies in providing ideal solutions ranging from managing recruitment, payroll, local placement, immigration services, housing and more servicesTalent PlusSingaporetalentplus.comSteve Wang,Managing Director - Asia Pacific, Leah TanDirector - Asia PacificDelivering over 75 specialized assessments designed for a variety of industries & positions, enabling objective selection decisions and primary focus lies in ensuring effortless integration within established teams & organizational cultureUniverz HR ConsultingSingaporeuniverz-hr.comDennis WangDirectorFocus on providing HRM consulting and headhunting of senior managers, sales and marketing personnel, engineers and financial talents, related to industries such as construction, IT, marine and finance
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