AUGUSTASIA BUSINESS OUTLOOK19machinery of the plant, the production systems, and the overall financial situation. This enables him to have a clear insight into the various aspects that are involved in the management of the team. He stresses on the need to work hard and sets the pace for the rest of the team. In his opinion, people are the most important element in the organization. This is because he knows that nothing is as critical as how they are treated since it plays a big part in the overall achievement. He is quite frugal with expenditures and cost of productions, and keeps a mental account of the company's balance sheet, and prefers oral briefing instead of written reports. This is seen in crisis management where he comes in when there is a crisis but otherwise gives his team freedom to work. Commitment to Quality & Standards Vishnu Kumar Agrawal has been, and continues to be, a man driven by commitment to quality and standards. Gradually growing from minor supply problems, he established credibility among Indian traders for steel quality within a year. This proactive effort ensured that the company got the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certification thus been in a position to supply the Government projects including roof sheets during power blackouts. Such regular plant upgrades and regular interaction with the suppliers of the machinery show his commitment to technology and the best practices in the plant's operations. Thus, he not only gained the reputation of a reliable person but also contributed to the recognition of Nepal's industry and its development. Innovative Problem-Solving He demonstrates creative thinking in the management of the cement industry as depicted by his visionary leadership. Not confining Nepal's export potential to steel products, he initiated Palpa Cement with the vision of exporting cement to India, a vision that faced barriers at the beginning. Thus, using his knowledge and working hard through difficulties he has created a platform for Nepali products in the international market. His leadership skills are also seen as strong because he has managed to deal with the challenges that come with rules and presentation of goods in the economy. Besides, his strategic vision has not only improved the industrial status of Nepal but also has set the country on the global map. Team Empowerment & Trust Team motivation and trust are the significant factors that are evident in Vishnu Kumar Agrawal's leadership style. He also stresses that, leading by example is crucial. He holds that passion and commitment towards work make the team work harder and deliver their best. Knowing that trust is the cornerstone, he considers his subordinates as important resources in attaining the team's goal. He does not only lead but also makes sure that his team is able to stand on their own and be accountable. His measures, for instance, the plan for conversion of Rajesh Metal into a public limited company, shows his strategic thinking and confidence in his people. His strategy in business expansion, for example, exporting cement to India, is a perfect combination of vision and realism. He also solves the problem of lack of technical skills and inadequate infrastructure through the provision of modern facilities and a conducive working environment for his employees.Community & Social Responsibility In difficult moments, Vishnu Kumar Agrawal has helped the homeless with roofing sheets to be able to have a shelter. Together with the government, he has eliminated the problems of energy constraints and ensured the availability of power supply for production. This initiative reflects his concern towards the well-being of the society. His CSR efforts are diverse: he provided education to the people of neighbouring villages and constructed schools, provided scholarships and installed water recycling plants even before it was made compulsory. In addition, his company ensures that there are roads and water tanks for dust suppression, encourages education to avoid social vices and has helped in supporting health facilities such as the one in Kathmandu. In this way, it aims at mitigating the effects of industrial activities while at the same time promoting tree planting. Mentorship & Succession Planning Stressing the need to adapt industrial strategies to the specific local environment, Vishnu Kumar Agrawal knows that one size does not fit all. He supports the flexible strategies like using automation where there is availability of cheap labor like in India. His father's mentorship was to learn and be responsible, which is associated with capability and authority. His travels around the world have expanded his vision, influencing his management style and the strategies for business and succession, which focus on the ability to anticipate change and adapt to it in the global environment. Vishnu Kumar Agrawal has been, & continues to be, a man driven by commitment to quality & standardsAUGUSTASIA BUSINESS OUTLOOK19
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