OCTOBERASIA BUSINESS OUTLOOK19Led by the technology evolutions and changing industry trends, the Public relations industry has pragmatically grown and contracted over the last five years to the current times. Perceiving the prowess of digital media even the clients have convened to the modern way of seeking audience groups rather than traditional that includes TV, print, and radio. Also, the social media have significantly driven the industry's value to newer heights providing the PR industry with diverse platforms Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and blogs to establish audience-connect. Furthermore, PR industry has been able to draw major traction through direct online interaction and analytics, making them a more attractive mediums. Especially, in the COVID times, where businesses were struggling to thrive and pave way head of the evolving competition landscape, PR industry has been witnessed carving greater growth growing quite rapidly and considerably leveraging uniquely designed PR strategies to organizations existing and emerging. Public relations services' companies managing, designing, and implementing communication between an organization and its customers is expected to expand globally to reach $149.44 billion in 2026, growing at a CAGR of 9.8 percent, rising from $92.55 billion in 2021 to $102.80 billion in 2022 at a CAGR of 11.1 percent, as per the Business Research Company report. A well-made, integrated PR plan can connect customers and clients with the organization and creates a competitive advantage for organizations. Thence, the rising need to gain a competitive edge over the peers in the industry is driving the public relations market. There are many PR Agencies in Asia, displaying their dexterity in the industry helping several organizations to grow.Asia Business Outlook in this issue presents a list of `Top 10 PR Agencies from Asia ­ 2022' who have leveraged their extensive industry expertise and experience in leveraging efficient PR services to the market. The following list has been prepared after being closely scrutinized by a distinguished panel of judges including CXOs, analysts and our editorial board. We recognize their valuable contribution to the ever expanding and competitive market and their ability to sustain themselves and emerge as top contestants through their reliable services. PR AGENCIESFROM ASIA -2022TOP 10
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