JULYASIA BUSINESS OUTLOOK6INDUSTRY EXPERTSRENDEZVOUSFINAL COMMENTIMPRESSION14Embracing Change: The Role of Managers in Effective Change ManagementRico Wang,Committee Chairman, Singapore Chamber of E-Commerce223810Being Responsive to the Client is the KeyPursuit of ExcellenceShobhit Sethi, Associate Director/QA Practice Head, InfoBeans TechnologiesRajesh Kumar Singh,Global Head - HR,KPITThe Impact of Globalization on Freight Forwarding30Digitalization of Retail: A Customer first Approach Geared by AgileTechnology DeliveryAnurag Mukherjee,Head - Technology,PT Matahari36Supply Chain Finance Is the Future for Asia ­ An Opportunity Not to Be MissedSwati Babel,VP,Triterras
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