APRILASIA BUSINESS OUTLOOK9HIGHER EDUCATION IN ASIA: THE CHANGING LANDSCAPE & GOVERNANCE CHALLENGESIMPRESSIONSWith the experience of waves in the South-East Asian region for rapid change at a time when countries are moving toward greater liberalisation in social and economic activities, bringing closer interdependence in different locations at international levels, there is a need for higher education and governance changes. If we talk about today's changing higher education landscape is primarily focused on massification, diversification, marketization, and internationalisation. There is a demand for higher education, which has manifested the three norms in many student populations, where higher interest is determined by cross-border knowledge and experience, and where there is a need for a greater variety of academic programmes.As a result, governments in various countries have built higher education institutions, allowing the private sector to play a larger role while also providing greater autonomy to public universities. The restructuring of higher education in a number of South-East Asian countries resulted in the establishment of autonomous and other types of higher education institutions.Higher Education & Governance ChallengesWhile different governance models exist, institutions are generally endowed with a stronger executive body and a new governing board. Along with increased independence and responsibilities in financial, human resource, and academic management for nearly two decades, it has been almost the default position of
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