Sustainability is paramount today, with governments and organizations globally setting specific targets for how built environments should respond to carbon emissions. we're enhancing the role of fa...
Cyber-attacks and online fraud are becoming, all at once, democratized and sophisticated. As soon as new technologies or solutions are leveraged to combat fraud, malicious actors seek new ways to e...
In a conversation with Asia Business Outlook Magazine, Vikram Pawah, President of BMW Group India, shared his views and thoughts pertaining to how digital technologies and partnerships influence th...
Each year Computershare reviews the popularity of equity plans in Asia,and our research shows that 83.6% of Hong Kong-listed companies now include an employee share plan in their remuneration strat...
Pierre Robinet, President of Ogilvy Health in APAC, brings over 20 years of marketing and advertising expertise. He has worked across digital, brand, and media agencies, offering a comprehensive vi...
Of late, there has been a significant increase in the amount of cyber-crimes in Hong Kong. If recent estimates from the Hong Kong police are to go by, the first half of 2023 witnessed a 47 percent ...
In order to modernize supply chain processes and improve customer service, organizations need to not only strengthen current skills and processes but also enhance them. Traditionally, for e.g., sup...
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