Epson Malaysia, with the increasing problem of plastic pollution, has trouble unlike anything Malaysia has ever had, was once already heard of. In response to this immediate issue, Eco-Knights and Epson Malaysia have joined efforts to improve awareness and simultaneously involve many people to take vast action.
The collaboration of Epson Malaysia and EcoKnights is aimed at raising community awareness of plastic pollution and promoting the initiative of trash reduction. To this effect, Epson's sustainability plan, including the Environmental Vision 2050 that aspires to a carbon-negative future through sustainable activities, is being in tandem with this partnership.
Epson Malaysia and EcoKnights have proposed to hold two main events in February to combat plastic waste. A Plastic Reduction Talk took place at the Epson Malaysia location having as its main topic a discussion of techniques to lessen the consumption of single-use plastics by employees. In addition, among the trash collected, 43.6 kg of litter were found, including 25.7 kg of plastic materials at a beach clean-up event at Pantai Morib, Banting. The cleanup highlighted the significant problems that plastic garbage inflicts on coastal ecosystems.
"Sustainability is the norm as of now in respect of the future of the world” as was pointed out by Fadly Bakhtiar, Vice President and Program Director at EcoKnights. As such, the Epson Malaysia and EcoKnights programs are striving to lead by example in tackling the problem of plastic pollution, ensuring that the three-way communication between companies, communities, and individuals is actively contributing to environmental protection.
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