India has won its first gold medal at the Asian Games 2023. According to ANI, Rudranksh Patil, Aishwary Tomar, and Divyansh Panwar won the 10-metre Air Rifle Team event.
Ramita Jindal previously won two medals in the 10m air rifle competition at the current Asian Games. The accomplished Indian shooter expressed her joy at securing this double victory and is looking forward to a gold medal in the mixed-team event.
Ramita described her extraordinary day with an overwhelming sense of satisfaction. Although her initial goal was to win a gold medal, she recognized the valuable lessons she learned during this competition. Ramita's sights are now set on the mixed-team event, where she hopes to win the grand prize, according to ANI.
With exceptional precision and unwavering concentration, Ramita clinched the bronze medal in the Women's 10m Air Rifle individual event at the ongoing 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou. Her final score of 230.1 secured her a well-deserved place on the podium.
The Indian women's shooting squad of Ramita, Ashi Chouksey, and Mehuli Ghosh finished second in the women's 10m air rifle team competition.
Their combined score of 1886.0 earned them the coveted silver medal, marking India's first medal in this edition of the Games. The formidable Chinese team won the gold medal.
India's shooting contingent at the 19th Asian Games is formidable, with 33 members. This contingent is set to compete for a total of 51 medals, competing in various events spanning individual, team, and mixed-team categories, as well as three distinct disciplines - rifle, pistol, and shotgun.
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