The world has achieved tremendous development in every known possible field in the past 60 years, the level of advancements we have now could be considered utopian by the standards of a century ago. This is all due to globalization. Global peace has ushered in a level of cooperation and trade of unprecedented levels allowing all nations to put their best foot forward. The Education landscape is no different, universities have also leveraged the global phenomenon to suit their own needs.
The Internationalization of education refers to the phenomenon where a university integrates global phenomena and cultural aspects of various nations in its university to elevate its repertoire and make itself more welcoming to overseas aspirants.
Major universities like Harvard, Massachusetts and Oxford are on the number one list of every student’s dream universities to attend. Though their reputation of churning out successful graduates is well known, it is often overlooked what makes them so successful. They are the centres of global learning, they have students from every corner of the world. They are prime examples of the success that globalization has brought and why it should be welcomed. Here are a few advantages of universities embracing globalization.
Diverse Perspectives
Making a student feel comfortable is an important aspect any university can uphold, the place of learning should imbibe various cultures, and values of different regions so the incoming students can feel welcomed which will translate to them having a comfortable learning experience. The native students too can be exposed to other views and opinions which will lead them to cultivate critical thinking and analysis, which can result in a mutually beneficial relationship.
Research and Innovation
International accommodating universities have a track record of making tremendous breakthroughs in various fields of science and technology, even startups. This is due to the diversity of thought which allows everyone to tackle problems which is often not possible in other settings.
This atmosphere also fosters growth, Universities like these end up presenting themselves as a globally competitive centre. This attracts all sorts of talents, funding, research opportunities etc. This result in a domino effect which results in a strong alumni network that ends up contributing to the university’s reputation.
This is one of the major reasons that Harvard and Massachusetts have a strong standing, their successful alumni and Entrepreneurs have made incredible strides in various fields. These universities are also known to fund startup ventures by their students.
Voicing Global Issues
The world as of now is pressed with tremendous problems such as global warming, economic inequalities, poverty etc. These problems are given a strong voice in the international forum by these universities. It is said that universities are a small microcosm of the real world. These centres are in a strong position to discuss these issues and most of the time if possible, offer remedies to these queries.
Cross Cultural Elements
Universities of international renown attract intellectuals from all over the world, this also translates to funding, and the projects undertaken here are the recipient of funding from a lot of industry experts to major conglomerates. They are also generous with their scholarship programs.
The diverse environment allows students to pick up skills they may not pick up in a regional university, the cultures, and languages allows them to gain an edge over their peers which makes them stand out as a leader. It is common for employers to attach a high pedigree for a candidate who is an alumnus of such a university and is given premium packages. The experience they gain in these years is bound to make them self-reliant, independent, and adept at solving problems. These qualities though not advertised outright, it is cultivated due to the exposure of their environment.
On the end note, one underrepresented aspect of this is the soft power these universities exude. The number of nationalities which attend these universities shows how well-trusted and respected that country is in the international space. The universities can act as pseudo ambassadors that represent their home country by organizing international symposiums and other programs, contributing to positive interactions and diplomacy.
In this day of globalization, it is a minimum requirement for any university to host international/ abroad exchange programs. By actively engaging in global partnerships, they can nourish their academic environment, research capabilities and prepare their students to succeed in a globalised world.
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