As India's cities run out of water, water-intensive industries like manufacturing and hospitality are investing not only in better effluent treatment but reducing overall consumption. The waste water treatment companies have benefited both people and the city administration from many centuries. The services provided by such companies are multiple. Yet in many regions of the world they are not able to meet even basic drinking water and sanitation needs. Well! Water management professionals have helped to alleviate the situation by planning, designing, and operating structures in such a way that, when combined with nonstructural measures, they increase the benefits that people can derive from water resources found in lakes, rivers, and estuaries.
Today, the water resource companies have taken a holistic approach that implies managing water resources and its waste in a new integrated way, with a focus on considering the whole urban water cycle as one system within the watershed; aiming for water security through diversity and optimum use of all potential sources of water and matching water quality with purpose of use, aiming for a better utilization of natural systems for water and wastewater treatment like using rainwater catchment systems as a potential source; better managing use of water, effluents and water demand and hygiene behavior. The sole purpose of water planning & management activities is to help in developing efficient irrigation practices for the betterment of agriculture in the country and to use proper utilization of water in our homes too that will save this precious resource.
In this edition, we focus on some of the emerging and innovative waste water treatment companies who have meticulously changes the course of water back to our home.
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