Make a customer, not a sale, as Katherine Barchetti once said. What could be more satisfying than a successful sale? You're probably thinking it right now. A repeat customer will almost certainly result from that sale. The most successful brands in the world understand that developing a consistent and distinct identity and experience can bridge the gap between a one-time visit and full-fledged loyalty. We must not forget every crisis now provides an opportunity. Even if it is a sanitary crisis with no modern-day precedents, it forces entire countries to remain at home.
As we can see today, Asia unquestionably has the world's youngest and fastest-growing population. Snack food demand is on rise as more businesses enter the workforce, and almost everyone in the world consumes fast-moving consumer goods every day. They are small-scale purchases made by customers at... >>More
Sharon Chan, Head - JLABS Asia Pacific, Johnson & Johnson
Simon Ma, Director & Regional Manager-ASEAN, Freshworks
Lee Wei Jin, Regional Director, Secure Issuance, Asia Pacific,...
Adrian Taylor, Regional VP, A10 Networks
R. P. Singh, Founder, Asia Content Network
Tarulata Champawat, VP Sales & Marketing, Infobeans